Wednesday, 25 March 2015

How to Overload Method in C# dotnet

Hello  Friends,
      In Previous Chapter  I had  described  about  method  overriding  which was the concept of Run time polymorphism in C# dotnet.
But  Now I am going to describe how  to Overload  a Method  which is the Concept of Compile time Polymerphism .It  means that same method will be implement in different   argument  and how can access it. Please  follow this steps.
Open Visual Studio Go to file menu  select  option “New” than Choose option “Project...”  like this snapshot.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

How to Override Method in

Hello  Friends,
 Now  I am going to describe  how to override the method  in is purely console application  of Dynamic or runtime polymorphism in C#  Application.So Please follow the following steps.
Step-1:                                                                                                                                                 Open Visual Studio Go to file menu  select  option “New” than Choose option “Project...”  like this snapshot.