Friday, 13 December 2013

How to Data Transfer from one form to another form and save to the database:

This is very simple concept and possible through Page Navigation  Control:-suppose You have two form  one is-Default3.aspx and another is Default4.aspx Both form’s  some fields are I want   after filling Default3.aspx form  and when  click to button or link button  it should be navigate to Default4.aspx page with data,than  after fill anather field and click to button for save,it will save to the data base.How it is possible. Please Follow this step :-
Create Table in following code  in sqlserver database:-

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[rabi2] (
    [Id]       INT          IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [username] VARCHAR (50) NULL,
    [colname]  NCHAR (10)   NULL,
    [branch]   VARCHAR (50) NULL,
    [sem]      VARCHAR (50) NULL,
    [ads]      VARCHAR (50) NULL,

Saturday, 7 December 2013

State Management System in application

What is State management System in Asp.Net Applications:-
Introduction Of State Management System:-
State management  system means:-It is a concept or a technique for web applications developed Generally web applications are based on  stateless  HTTPprotocol which doesnot  retain any information about user’s request.So for this reason the time of client and server communication using HTTP Protocol, page is created and requested  each time,so Developer is implement different types of state management.
There are two types of state management is available in application:-
Classification Of State Management:-(Shown in Figure Below):->

Friday, 6 December 2013

How to Use 3Tire Architecture in

How To Use 3-Tire Architecture In  Using Store  Procedure:-
 3-Tire architecture is very important concept in for more security ,It is very simple to use.
Generally 3-Tier architecture generally contains  3-parts.
1>UI or Presentation Layer.
2>Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer.
3>Data Access Layer (DAL). 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Gridview Operation of

How to Insert,Update and Delete in

First create a table in your sqlserver database like this:-
Suppose this table name is rabi:-
Int(set primary key) set Is Identity=true

What is Postback and Cross Page Postback in

What is Postback  and Cross Page Postback in
Now I am going to describe about Postback  and Crosspostback in is the  important part for the project.Actually this is very simple concept. Whenever you develop a website, you have a requirement to post to other pages also.
     Postback means the page posted back its self after operation.for an example…suppose you have a registration page and you filled this page than click to the ok button for save.
     After click the ok button the message showed you Your record saved successfully than you press ok button than after saving the data the page return to same page or your registration page in which page You ware filling the data but did not move to anather page.This concept is called postback
Hints:- Postback contains all  information collected on the Initial page for processing purpose.
     Now one question can arise in your mind that- How can you know whether the page is postback for the first time or not ?
Ans- The ASP.NET Page class has a property IsPostBack. You can check this using IsPostBack.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Disable Backbutton in

Copy to This code and Paste in the sourcecode Head section  or  within content placeholder :-

  <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

    function DisableBackButton() {


window.onload = DisableBackButton;

    window.onpageshow = function (evt) { if (evt.persisted) DisableBackButton() }

    window.onunload = function () { void (0) }


Sunday, 1 December 2013

Create Login Page without database

To copy This code and paste for  design the table:-

<table align="center" class="style1"
        style="color: #FF0000; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic">
                <td align="center" class="style2" colspan="2">
                <div id="js_clock" style="text-align: left; font-size: 8pt; vertical-align: top;
                        color: olive; text-align: center;">

                        <script type="text/javascript">                            function js_clock() {
                                var clock_time = new Date();
                                var clock_hours = clock_time.getHours(); var clock_minutes = clock_time.getMinutes();
                                var clock_seconds = clock_time.getSeconds(); var clock_suffix = "AM";
                                if (clock_hours > 11) { clock_suffix = "PM"; clock_hours = clock_hours - 12; }
                                if (clock_hours == 0) { clock_hours = 12; } if (clock_hours < 10) { clock_hours = "0" + clock_hours; }
                                if (clock_minutes < 10) { clock_minutes = "0" + clock_minutes; }
                                if (clock_seconds < 10) { clock_seconds = "0" + clock_seconds; } var clock_div = document.getElementById('js_clock');
                                clock_div.innerHTML = clock_hours + ":" + clock_minutes + ":" + clock_seconds + " " + clock_suffix; setTimeout("js_clock()", 1000);