What is
State management System in Asp.Net Applications:-
Introduction Of State Management
State management
system means:-It is a concept or a technique for web applications
developed asp.net. Generally web
applications are based on stateless HTTPprotocol which doesnot retain any information about user’s
request.So for this reason the time of client and server communication using
HTTP Protocol, page is created and requested each time,so Developer is implement different
types of state management.
There are two types of state management is available in
asp.net application:-
Classification Of State Management:-(Shown in Figure
Description Of Client Side State Management:-
1>Hidden Field:-
Hidden Field
is the Standard Html Control which is allows to store the informations. It stores a single variable in its value
property and must be explicitly added to the page. When a page is submitted to
the server, the content of a hidden field is sent in the HTTP form collection
along with the values of other controls. A hidden field acts as a repository
for any page-specific information that you want to store directly in the page.All
browers supports and Server resources
are not required.
2>View State:-
View State is nothing
but it is the built-in structure for automatically retaining values among the multiple requests for
the same page.It is internally maintained as a hidden field on the
page.It is also good for caching data in web frame configurations because data
is cached on the client.We can store value in view state as well.
Cookies is nothing but it is a small piece of textual data which is store in side the
brouser memory for a temporary period or stored inside the client hard disk for
a permanent period.A cookie can store maximum 4kb of data including cookie
It is two types
1>session type cooky or Temporary cookie.
2>Persistent cooky or Permanent Cookie.
Session type cooky or Temporary cooky:-
cookie is a Type of Cookie which is store in brouser memory for a temporary
period,once the brouser is closed the cookie is destroyed.
Persistent cooky or Permanent Cookie:-
Persistent cookie is a Type of cookie created
inside the client hard disk and it will be deleted explicitly by the user or
implicitly,whenever expary data encounter.
4>Control State:-
Control state
is used to store data in order for a control to work properly. The Control state Responsible to allows to developer to persist
property information that is specific to a control and cannot be turned
off like the Viewstate property.
5>Query Strings:-
Query String is nothing but
responsible send the page information
to server.It containing in the HTTP request for specific URL and All
browsers support to Query Strings.
Description Of Server Side State Management:-
Application State:-
Application state is a global storage mechanism that is
accessible from all pages in the Web application. for the use of application
state, ASP.Net creates an application state object for each applications from
the HTTPApplicationState class.It stores this object in server memory and this
object is represented by class file whose name global.asax.By this file the
data to be shared across users globally in asp.net application.
Generally There are
6-events maintained by this object:-
1>Application_Init:-This Event fired when an
application initializes or called first time.
2>Application_Start:- This Event fired when first
time the instantiate of HTTP application
class is created.
3>Application_End:- This Event fired when first time the
instantiate of HTTP application class
is destroyed.Note it this Event Fired
only once during an application’s lifetime.
4>Application_Error:- This Event fired when any unhandled exception
is encounter.
Session State:-
Session state management is a very strong and good technique to maintain
state. Generally session state management is used to store user's information
and/or uniquely identify a user. The server maintains the state of user
information by using a session ID. When users makes a request without a session
ID, ASP.NET creates a session ID and sends it both request and response to the same user. The
SessionID is globally unique and random.The session state object is created from the HttpSessionState class, which defines a collection of session state items.
To manage a session, ASP.NET provides two events:-
Session_Start and Session_End
1>Session_start:- This Event fired when a new user visits this website.
2>Session_End:- This Event fired when a user leave the website
or user’s session become time out.
session management can be maintain by
2ways in ASP.NET:
1>Inprocess Session:-This information will be store inside the process where
our application running.In this session no need to serialize the data.
2>Outprocess Session:-
Outprocess Session is two types
1>State Server Session:-
This information will be stored using asp.net state service and Faster than
Sqlserver Session management.
2>Sqlserver Session:- This information will be stored inside database and It is good place for storing large data.
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